The Equation: Part I

(Verse 1)
For decades now, I’ve been pondering,
The global warming formula, inside my mind wandering.
Human-induced change, an exponential part,
In an unordered system, chaos rules the chart.

Acceleration, tipping points, feedback loops abound,
In this chaotic dance, our fate is found.
From the domino to the snowball’s roll,
In this whirlwind of change, we find our role.
In rock n’ roll
Find our role
Knock and know all

(Verse 2)
Complex equations, too vast to write,
But I’ll jot down a part, in the dimming light.
Tipping points and feedback loops, they steer the course,
Determining the rate, of climate’s force.
Of course,
Climate’s force
Acceleration, tipping points, feedback loops abound,
In this chaotic dance, our fate is found.
From the domino to the snowball’s roll,
In this whirlwind of change, we find our role…

Earth spins in a vortex, a cosmic whirl,
As we accelerate, our destiny unfurl.
The motion of time, in a turbulent sea,
Momentum’s impact, on you and me…
To be
Or not to be?
To be

(Verse 3)
Violent weather events, wreaking havoc’s might,
As momentum grows, in the dark of night.
Floods, storms, and hurricanes, they rage and spin,
As the planet’s pulse quickens, under chaos’ din.

Acceleration, tipping points, feedback loops abound,
In this chaotic dance, our fate is found.
From the domino to the snowball’s roll,
In this whirlwind of change, we find our role.

So let’s ponder the equations, the theories, the fray,
In this spiral of change, let’s find a new way.
To slow down the momentum, without haste or fear,
For in this dance of chaos, our path becomes clear.

Chords: D C G D / C Em Am / D / D Db D / D Am / C Em Am / D / D C Am
Instrumentation: Vocals, Takamine Acoustic Guitar
Recorded at Lake Wynonah, Pennsylvania

ChatGBT co-authored the lyrics utilizing this part of a research paper:

I’ve been thinking about the giant global warming formula that has been formulating in my head for the last few decades.

Human induced climate change is an exponential component of an unordered system (chaos theory). Our climate model uses chaos theory in an attempt to adequately account for humans and forecasts a global average temperature increase of 9 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

Though the equation is complex… too complicated to write down….
I’ve lately begun considering trying to write down a small part of it: Tipping points and feedback loops are parts of an equation that determine the rate of acceleration in climate change.

What do you think about this?
t = tipping point
f = feedback loop
(t ² * f ²) nth


the domino effect * the snowball effect:
(h cos α−(s+d)sin θi+1) * a(1 + r) x

Acceleration, tipping points etc. I know that no simple formula exists for any of these. The reason you can’t write a formula is because they are chaotic systems. Chaos theory is the study of unordered systems; however, trying to write it down helps me quantify what I see in my mind’s eye.

These formulas have similarities to acceleration formulas we imagined in 1995:

Earth is in a space-time continuum similar to the vortex of a flushing toilet.

if acceleration = velocity/time
and v = speed of light = 2.9979*10^8 m/s
and for the sake of argument we are accelerating at pi (rounded to 15 decimal places) m/s^2
then time = 95426120.77903860 seconds (rounded to 16 significant digits)
= 1104.468990498130 days
= 3.025942439720910 years = roughly 3 years + 9.5 days as relative to the rotation and revolution of the planet earth.

Important note: this is motion at constant speed in a circle. So the speed of light isn’t changing but the direction of motion is, so there is acceleration (= change in velocity, not speed is the acceleration. Velocity has a direction as well as a magnitude, it is a vector, not a scalar like speed.)

a couple other fundamental physical constants to contemplate:
permitivity of free space = 8.854*10^(-12) C^2/(N*m)
permeability of free space = 4(pi)*10^(-7) Wb/(A*m)

SIDD: The tricky part is… you cannot maintain a constant acceleration like pi m/s^2 on a massive body.

In 2023 Sidd added:
On another note, regarding the permeability mu and permittivity epsilon
… those are deeply related to the speed of light thru maxwell’s equations

As for deep contemplation, let me see, in terms of formal schooling
I deeply contemplated those for two years in undergraduate
and about a year and a half in grad school … made my head very pointy.


Human induced climate change is an exponential component of an unordered system (chaos theory). That means global warming is accelerating at a rapid rate in a complex way — a climate crisis.

Additional Notes

I ask Sidd:
… and what does the answer mean?
” 3.025942439720910 years = roughly 3 years + 9.5 days as relative to the rotation and revolution of the planet earth”

Is it the Earth’s rotation in the flow of the vortex?

Sidd replied:
The answer doesn’t mean very much… for example the speed we chose is c,
but nothing except light moves at speed c, and we know that neither earth nor
any material object can move or does move at speed c … so that answer
isn’t too useful

I think we just intended to show a calculation and people can plug in their own, hopefully more realistic numbers

Then, I recalled:
At the time we were working on a couple of concepts. One had to do with the momentum of humankind. The other had to do with the perception of time as environmental conditions deteriorate. (As 500 year floods become 100 year floods, then 100 year floods become 10 year floods, how will we perceive time? Will it be similar to a mass moving toward the center of a vortex?)

So yes… what you did was get me thinking about the rate of acceleration in global warming…
it’s kind-a like we are spiraling out-of-control faster and faster.. as if in a vortex… and…
how climate change is a vector (not a scalar like speed.)

… which got me thinking a lot more about the energy in the whole system moving around… not just as heat.

As an example, in the first 6 months of 2023 there were 15 confirmed weather/climate disaster events with losses exceeding $1 billion each to affect United States. These events included 1 flooding event, 13 severe storm events, and 1 winter storm event.

None of these events were directly related to heat. Almost all of the events were caused by violent weather. Momentum caused the most damage. (Also see: A Hard Rain Is Falling)

Which reminded me of what started us on this study… what we were working on at the time and still are…
*How to change the momentum of the human race and climate change without going any faster.*
…like a big ship heading for a waterfall…
and all the crew and engine working at full steam could not go any faster to reverse direction
So we created one of the first www games… this was/is the final anti-IQ pop quiz question:

“What are at least two (2) ways that you can increase your momentum, without increasing your speed?”
Hint: Momentum is equal to mass x velocity (p=mv).

Technically Speaking, It’s Not the Momentum That Kills You

It’s not the fall that kills you; it’s the sudden stop at the end.

Technically speaking it is the impact from the momentum that causes damage and deaths. Global warming causes an increase in mass and/or velocity (momentum) of things that are mass flow driven by heat, like wind and flood.

The burning of fossil fuels and other human released emissions have impacted momentum’s impact. A warmer atmosphere can hold more moisture. Warmer air allows for the creation of more massive raindrops. Warmer ocean temperatures create stronger hurricanes. Hail and tornadoes form in strong thunderstorm clouds with intense updrafts, high liquid-water content, and large water droplets.

Sidd added: It’s worse than that. Wind and water flow forces scale as the square of velocity, so as flow speeds increase (say due to more intense heating or heavier rain) the damage scales as the square of the velocity.

About “square of the velocity”, I asked Sidd: is this Bernoulli’s Equation?

4D Music: Songs About Science

A song about The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment

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