Cosmic Countdown

A psychedelic hard rock space song about running out of time.

Lost in the cosmos, I’m searching for a sign
Space and time are melding, it’s a race against time
Gravity pulls me closer, my heart’s about to burst
In this psychedelic universe, I’m fighting for what’s worth

[Verse 2]
Staring at the stars, my mind begins to spin
Losing track of days, the countdown’s wearing thin
The clock’s ticking faster, reality’s slipping away
In this cosmic chaos, I’ve got no time to delay

Running out of time, on this interstellar ride
My mind’s on overload, as the universe unfolds
(Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh)
Running out of time, in this cosmic countdown
Gotta find my way back home, before I’m lost and never found

Cosmic Countdown Part II
[Verse 1]
In the first week of July, the world turned ablaze,
The hottest days ever, a scorching craze,
But how long is “ever” in our human gaze,
As we stumble through history’s intricate maze?

Running out of time, on this interstellar ride
My mind’s on overload, as the universe unfolds
(Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh)
Running out of time, in this cosmic countdown
Gotta find my way back home, before I’m lost and never found

(Verse 2)
Humans, mere blips in Earth’s ancient story,
Yet we wield power, seeking our glory,
From the Seven Sisters to our fossil fuel inventory,
We’ve altered the climate, rewriting allegory.

We’ve breached the threshold, beyond pre-industrial,
Heating the planet, the impact substantial,
Can we adapt to a world so unforgivable,
Where extremes reign supreme, and life seems unlivable?

Feedback loops and tipping points, a dire concern,
As ice melts, forests burn, the consequences churn,
The domino effect, each tipping point we spurn,
Will we awaken, or watch as the world yearns?

(Verse 3)
Climate scientists warned of this impending fate,
Yet we ignored, sealed our tragic state,
Now the Earth’s wrath, it’s far too late,
As we stand at the precipice, sealing our own crate.

It’s not a distant future, it’s today’s call,
To halt the burning, to prevent the fall,
For if we continue, humanity’s downfall,
Will be swift and merciless, our epitaph scrawl.

So let’s halt the combustion, the exploitation spree,
For a world worth saving, for you and me,
Stop burning fossil fuels, let our actions decree,
A future of hope, where all can be free.

Cosmic Countdown Part III
Lost in the cosmos, I’m searching for a sign
Space and time are melding, it’s a race against time
Gravity pulls me closer, my heart’s about to burst
In this psychedelic universe, I’m fighting for what’s worth

[Verse 2]
Staring at the stars, my mind begins to spin
Losing track of days, the countdown’s wearing thin
The clock’s ticking faster, reality’s slipping away
In this cosmic chaos, I’ve got no time to delay

Running out of time, on this interstellar ride
My mind’s on overload, as the universe unfolds
(Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh)
Running out of time, in this cosmic countdown
Gotta find my way back home, before I’m lost and never found

How long is “ever”… as in “the hottest it’s ever been in recorded history”?

During the first week of July 2023, the Earth had the hottest days ever.

Humans are about 200,000 years old with our closest variety being dated to about 140,000 years ago. The earliest “recording of history” is approximately 100,000 years old. It is the story of The Seven Sisters of The Pleiades. The Seven Sister are a cluster of stars in the Taurus constellation. There are six stars visible to the naked eye. The story is about seven stars. The seventh star has not been visible to the naked eye for over 100,000 years.

The 20th-century surface temperature average for Earth was 13.9℃.
In the first weeks of July of 2023, the average temperature was 17℃.

Q: Is it possible for humans to push the temperature 3℃ above pre-industrial levels?
A: Yes. Humans have pushed global temperatures up more than 3℃.

Q: Is it possible for humans to survive at temperatures greater than 3℃?
A: Probably not long. Humans have never done it before.

Extreme weather will become more frequent and intense. Sea levels will rapidly rise as the coasts disappear. However, the most concerning development will be feedback loops and tipping points. Plants will become extinct and many carbon sinks will vanish. The Earth’s temperature will continue to accelerate at an exponential rate no matter what humans do. Food, fresh water, and breathable air will cease to exist. Humans will likely follow in short order.

These “tipping points” were preventable; however, now they are becoming inevitable. Climate scientists had thought we would not cross tipping points for centuries at the earliest. Tipping points are part of feedback loop systems. A tipping point occurs when a human influenced global warming activity becomes self-sustaining without the human activity. For instance, the mountain glacier loss tipping point has triggered a feedback loop. The ice-albedo feedback loop is an expression of the ability of surfaces to reflect sunlight (heat from the sun). Any loss of ice over a darker surface means the surface will absorb more heat and reflect less heat. This process makes the Earth warmer causing more loss of ice… which in turn causes more warming of the Earth. When a tipping point causes another tipping point to be toppled it is called the The Domino Effect. Mountain glacier loss, the collapse of AMOC, and the dieback of the Amazon rainforest is an example of The Domino Effect.

“The increasing heating of our planet caused by fossil fuel use is not unexpected, it was predicted already in the 19th century after all,” said climate scientist Stefan Rahmstorf at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Research in Germany. “But it is dangerous for us humans and for the ecosystems we depend on. We need to stop it fast.”

This is our current situation. Not “years away”. Not tomorrow. Today.

Stop burning fossil fuels today, stop exploiting hydrocarbons today, or else….

— from Climate Change: How Long Is “Ever”? Brouse (2023)

The Beatless Sense Mongers: We’re Here… er, a… Were Here

4D Music: Songs About Science

A song about The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment

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