The Threshold Limit

It’s the moisture for sure
The moisture in your future
Sure, sure, sure
The Threshold Limit
Limit it
Limit it

[Verse 1]
The humidity
Gets the best of me
The moisture in the air
Just ain’t fair

Once rare
I swear
Gets the best of me


A wet bulb throb
The heat is on
And, on, and, on
Beyond the dawn
The threshold
To the minute limit
If you might
Bring on the night

[Verse 2]
Moisture monster
For sure, for sure
No, it’s not the heat
That has me beat
The moisture in the air
Just ain’t fair

Once rare
I swear
Gets the best of me


A wet bulb throb
The heat is on
And, on, and, on
Beyond the dawn
The threshold
To the minute limit
If you might
Bring on the night

[Verse 3]
Moisture monster
For sure, for sure
Moisture monster
Have we been duped?
It’s thick as pea soup!
The moisture in the air
Moisture monster
No, it’s not fair
Moisture monster
For sure, for sure

Once rare
I swear
Gets the best of me


It’s the moisture for sure
The moisture in your future
Sure, sure, sure
The Threshold Limit
Limit it
Limit it
The threshold
To the minute limit, it, it, it, it…



When the “wet bulb” temperature reaches a temperature too hot for humans to sweat, it is referred to as the “wet-bulb temperature threshold” or simply the “wet-bulb limit.” This limit represents the maximum temperature at which evaporation from a wet surface, such as the skin, can effectively cool the human body through sweating. Beyond this threshold, the body’s ability to regulate its internal temperature becomes severely compromised, posing a significant risk to human health and well-being.

Global warming has inflicted irreversible damage on our environment, a consensus echoed by nearly all scientists. Indeed, climate change poses a profound challenge. Our planet is witnessing conditions that increasingly jeopardize human habitation. The critical question now is whether we can adapt swiftly enough. Humans will experience greater loss and damage to life and quality of life from air pollution, decreasing supply of potable water, extreme weather events, disease, and other adverse health outcomes. The greatest short term climate change risk to human health is deadly humid heat (wet-bulb temperature).

Feedback loops and tipping points are parts of an equation that determine the rate of acceleration in climate change. Triggering these tipping points results in the CO2 stored in nature to be released without the assistance of humans. Though we do not know how much carbon is stored in nature, it would be reasonable to assume that the temperature could be pushed from 3 degrees to 6 degrees above pre-industrial levels. Humans cannot thrive above a rise of 1.5 degrees. Much of the Earth will be uninhabitable if the temperature rises an additional 6 degrees Celsius. If humans also add 3 degrees Celsius, the temperature and humidity will approach a wet-bulb temperature that will not sustain human life.

To Cause a Change: Philadelphia Experiment

4D Music: Songs About Science

A song about The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment

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