The concept of the “mark of the beast” is found in the Book of Revelation, specifically in Revelation 13:16-18:

“He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man’s number. His number is 666.”

This passage describes a time of great tribulation and persecution, during which a powerful figure, often identified as the Antichrist, will rise to prominence. This figure will demand that all people receive a mark on their right hand or forehead in order to engage in commercial transactions. Those who refuse to receive the mark will face severe economic consequences, including the inability to buy or sell.

The specific nature and symbolism of the mark of the beast have been subject to various interpretations throughout history. Some believe it to be a literal mark, such as a physical brand or tattoo, while others view it as a symbolic representation of allegiance to the Antichrist or a corrupt system. The number 666 mentioned in the passage has also been the subject of much speculation and interpretation, with various theories proposed regarding its significance.

Overall, the mark of the beast is often understood as a symbol of allegiance to worldly powers opposed to God, and it serves as a warning against compromising one’s faith in times of trial and persecution.

666, the number of fear,
666, on your soul sear

[Verse 1]
In the Book of Revelation, a prophecy told,
Of a mark upon the head, a mark upon the soul.
Forced upon the people, by a figure of might,
A number branded deep, in the dead of night.

666, the number of fear,
666, on your soul sear

666, the number of fear,
A sign of allegiance, in times severe, seared
Forced upon the righteous, to bow or resist,
In the face of darkness, faith will persist.


[Verse 2]
Small and great, rich and poor,
All must bear the mark, or suffer evermore.
No buying or selling, without the beast’s decree,
A choice between faith and worldly decree.

666, the number of fear,
666, on your soul sear

666, the number of fear,
A sign of allegiance, in times severe, seared
Forced upon the righteous, to bow or resist,
In the face of darkness, faith will persist.

666, the number of fear,
666, on your soul sear

Some see it as a symbol, others take it for real,
A warning of deception, a test of our zeal.
Calculate the number, if wisdom you seek,
For 666 is man’s number, in times so bleak.


[Verse 3]
But in the midst of tribulation, hope remains,
For those who stand firm, despite the chains.
Though the mark may bind, the spirit’s free,
In the name of Man, we find our decree.

666, the number of fear,
A sign of allegiance, in times so severe.
Forced upon the righteous, to bow or resist,
In the face of darkness, faith will persist.

666, the number feared
666, on your soul seared
666, the number feared
666, on your soul seared


About the End

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