Angel Whisperer

Would you not love to hear an angel say to you, “You are greatly loved.” Three times this happened to Daniel. “And the angel said, ‘O man greatly loved, fear not, peace be with you; be strong and of good courage.” (Daniel 10:19)

Would you not love to hear an angel say to you, “You are greatly loved.”
Be love
[Guitar Solo]
[Verse 1]
In the stillness of the night, when the world’s asleep,
Whispers from beyond, secrets they keep.
An angel’s voice, gentle and clear,
Bringing comfort, dispelling fear.
Be love
Angel whisperer, messenger of light,
Bringing love from realms so bright.
“You are greatly loved,” the words She’ll say,
Guiding us through night and day.
Show the way.

[Verse 2]
Daniel heard it thrice, a heavenly decree,
“You are greatly loved,” echoing endlessly.
Fear not, it softly calls,
Peace be with you, beyond these walls…
Heaven calls

Be love

Angel whisperer, messenger of light,
Bringing love from realms so bright.
“You are greatly loved,” the words She’ll say,
Guiding us through night and day.
Show the way.

In moments of doubt, when shadows loom,
An angel’s whisper pierces the gloom.
Strength and courage, She imparts,
A beacon of hope to light our hearts.

[Verse 3]
Love coming in from above, peace is here
Love coming in from above, ever clear
So listen closely, let your soul hear,
The whispers of angels, ever near.

Be love

Angel whisperer, messenger of light,
Bringing love from realms so bright.
“You are greatly loved,” the words She’ll say,
Guiding us through night and day.
Show the way.

So listen closely, let your soul hear,
The whispers of angels, ever near.
“You are greatly loved,” their message true,
Shining a light to guide you through.

From the album About the End

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