Time Snafu

Do you know what time it is?
Or when it was?

[Verse 1]
Is this time snafu
Affecting you
Is this time snafu
Over due

Tell me true

Or haven’t you noticed
The season has no reason
It may be May
Or maybe June’s come too soon

[Instrumental, Hammond B3 Organ, Synthesizers, Bass]

[Verse 2]
Yes, this time snafu
Is affecting me, too
This time snafu’s
Due to me and you

Tell me true

Or haven’t you noticed
The season has no reason
It may be May
Or maybe June’s come too soon

[Instrumental, Saxophone Solo, Synthesizers, Bass]

[Verse 3]
Yes, this time snafu
Is affecting me, too
This time snafu’s
Due to me and you

Tell me true

Or haven’t you noticed
The season has no reason
It may be May
Or maybe June’s come too soon


This song uses the concept of a “time snafu” to metaphorically describe the disarray and disruption caused by climate change. The lyrics suggest a sense of confusion and disorientation as the normal progression of time and seasons becomes erratic and unpredictable.

In the verses, the repetition of “Is this time snafu affecting you” emphasizes the universality of the experience, highlighting how climate change impacts everyone. The bridge, with its plea to “tell me true,” suggests a desire for honesty and acknowledgment of the reality of the situation.

The chorus draws attention to the abnormality of the seasons, noting that they seem to have lost their traditional patterns and reasons. The mention of May and June coming “too soon” implies a distortion of the natural order and a sense of imbalance.

The instrumental sections, with the Hammond B3 organ, synthesizers, saxophone solo, and bass, create a mood of uncertainty and unease, mirroring the chaotic nature of climate change.

The song serves as a commentary on the disruptive effects of climate change on the passage of time and the natural world, urging listeners to recognize and address the urgent need for action.

From the album “Nowadays” by The Beatless Sense Mongers

MegaEpix Enormous

A song about The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment

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