
Obscured by obtusity
(Find it hard to see)
Slow to understand
(What is at hand)

[Verse 1]
Can’t help but to get out of my own way
(I can hear them say)
Oh so slow to come around
(Where obvious is found)

Obscured by obtusity
(Find it hard to see)
Slow to understand
(What is at hand)

The severity
Of the situation
Is no rarity
To our population

[Verse 2]
In a hurry to stand in line
(Love to waste all my time)
Can’t grasp my line is fine
(Stepping over it is a crime)

Obscured by obtusity
(Find it hard to see)
Slow to understand
(What is at hand)

The severity
Of the situation
Is no rarity
To our population

Obscured by obtusity
(Find it hard to see)
Slow to understand
(What is at hand)

The severity
Of the situation
Is no rarity
To our population

Obscured by obtusity
(Find it hard to see)

From the album “Obscured” by Daniel

Also found on the album “Reggae Day” by Narley Marley

The Human Induced Climate Change Experiment

MegaEpix Enormous

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